
Our Mission

Seeds of Mercy Mission, Inc is an independent home. We believe people deserve the most help and understanding during tender times of their life. Housing different age categories can make a house a home and residents a family. Helping each other means; I am still needed and I matter. I am important in this home. We are improving the quality of life by resident interaction with each other.

Seeds of Mercy encourages independence with some monitoring, which means that less than 24 hour care is routinely provided each day. Each resident is expected to have the capability to manage their own personal needs and affairs without supervision and care for various periods of time each day. Residents will know they are not home alone, but their every move is not being watched either. Residents will know they are safe.

Our Vision

Founders: Linda and her late husband, Larry answered a call upon their life 42 years ago. People of many walks of life needed a place to stay and they came to them for help. They could barely help themselves but they had a dream of helping people out of their crisis situations and awakened to an immediate confirmation from a loved one in Ohio. They knew from this dream it was necessary to continue to reach out to the people in need. They have stood the test of time.

Life Story
Married at ages 15 & 17, They have acquired many life experiences and are the happy parents of three children and nineteen beautiful grandchildren and twenty-eight great grandchildren.

Chapel Gatherings

We offer Chapel Gatherings every Saturday from 3:00-6:00.

Pastor Dwight Fisher.


At Seed of Mercy Mission we host many events, year round.

New Horizons